Access hundreds of US-listed stocks with CFI. The possibilities are limitless.

*Click Here to see more about our physical stock charges.

Stocks, Your Way

Trade Stocks with Full Ownership

Invest in the companies you believe in and access hundreds of leading US stocks with CFI's extensive stock offering. By owning stocks outright, you gain full ownership of your investments, providing the potential for long-term growth. With CFI, you can build a diversified portfolio across some of the world's largest stocks, ensuring that you have the opportunity to benefit from corporate actions, dividends, and the overall performance of the companies you invest in. Build your portfolio with CFI's highly-competitive trading conditions.

Why Invest in Stocks with CFI?

Why CFI?




trading conditions


Low Commissions


25+ Group  years of


Advanced Tools


24/7 Online Support

Features Associated with Listed Stocks Listed Stocks:

Listed Stocks
Markets available
Listed US Stocks and ETFs
Pay the full value of your shares upfront
Directional trading
Go long only shorting is not allowed
Own the underlying asset
Corporate actions and Dividends
Invest in US-listed stocks and ETFs at the lowest cost in the region. $0.005/share with a minimum of $1 per trade
Trading hours
During exchange hours, 5 days per week
Listed Stocks
Markets available
Listed US Stocks and ETFs
Pay the full value of your shares upfront
Directional trading
Go long only shorting is not allowed
Own the underlying asset
Corporate actions and Dividends
Invest in US-listed stocks and ETFs at the lowest cost in the region. $0.005/share with a minimum of $1 per trade
Trading hours
During exchange hours, 5 days per week

Open an account with CFI

Stocks FAQs

  • Stocks, also known as shares or equities, represent ownership in a company. When you purchase a stock, you buy a piece of the company and become a shareholder.

  • The principles of supply and demand apply to any market including stocks yet the dynamics and what affects the stock market are different from the dynamics and factors affecting other markets. Nonetheless, they are all interconnected and have held long-lasting market relationships.

  • While global and economic factors affect the price of stocks, company performance plays a very important role in dictating the extent of the price movement. For example, if the entire market is positive and stocks are doing well, and a certain company in its sector is posting great earnings and returns, it will likely exhibit further advances and bigger price gains than a company that’s not doing so well despite the overall positive performance of the sector.

  • We value client feedback and ask you to always let us know your thoughts, feedback, and issues. If you have a certain product in mind, feel free to discuss it with your account manager who will relay the message to management. From there, we assess the viability of introducing such a product to our platform.

  • Yes, you can move your current holdings to your CFI account. Please contact your account manager for more details on the process.

  • Yes, dividends are paid as dictated by the company’s decision. If the company pays, we will deposit the dividends into your account.

  • In the event of a stock split, we do the necessary adjustments to your holdings, in line with industry standards. If you have any questions about the process, please contact your account manager.

  • Yes, this is absolutely normal and part of everyday trading. Some stocks are more volatile and can exhibit larger price swings. It is not unknown for some stocks to post 20-30% gains or losses and more in a single day.